Skincare Tips for Every Age

How does one age gracefully? We have a lot on our plates: career, work, family, ambition. And our skincare is important, too. But as we age, our hormones, health and routines frequently shift, making it difficult to keep up with the latest creams and cosmetics. But, like everything else, we take it one day at a time, with grace, and adapt. Here are a few wellness tips, by decade, to keep in mind as we navigate life’s changes.


The Terrific Twenties

For many, our twenties are packed with life lessons and tactical goals. We're graduating college, building careers and struggling to "make it," with many of us even pursuing a postgraduate education. Amidst all of this activity, it's not always easy to find the time (or the money) for a skincare routine. Luckily, there are simple ways to proactively care for our skin. Some of them are even free!

Tip: Our twenties are a prime time to develop good habits for our complexion, and it all really starts from within. A healthy diet is key, plus drinking lots of water. As for a daily routine, simply washing our face in the morning and night with a gentle cleanser, followed by a moisturizer (with SPF for daytime), is a good starting point. As challenging as it is, now's also the moment to get in the habit of not touching our face. No picking!

Thriving in Our Thirties

Who knew our thirties would be so fabulous? For many of us, hitting this decade can be intense, filled with milestones such as homeownership, professional success, partnerships, family planning and more. The endless resilience of our twenties may be gone, but our confidence is soaring. While everyone is different, our thirties may also be the first time that hormones start showing up as a major player in our skincare routine. Essentially, our skin takes longer to refresh and turnover new cells, often leaving us feeling dull and in need of rejuvenation.

Tip: Just as we take care to develop a relationship with our OBGYN and other healthcare professionals for our bodies during this decade, it’s also a good idea to find a dermatologist we trust. Consulting an expert to proactively check for health conditions like eczema and cancer—especially for those of us with a family history—is a great step toward committing to a lifetime of healthy skin. They can also help us understand any changes in our complexion and offer the latest peels and laser treatments. This also a good decade to make up for all the sleep we lost in our twenties as well as incorporate a good vitamin C serum and Retinol into our bedtime regimen. 

Fearless in Our Forties

Now that we’re in our forties, we’re totally hitting our stride. With experience under our feet, confidence in ourself, and a smile on our face, we have what it takes to conquer the world. But, our skin is likely feeling the effects of all our past efforts. We haven’t slowed down one bit, but our skin needs a break. Its ability to turnover and produce new cells, as well as collagen and elastin, has begun to diminish. 

Tip: Exfoliation, the gentle sloughing off of dead cells on the outermost surface of our skin, can help replace new, fresh cells faster while also reducing any clogged pores. So, now's the time to invest in a good micro-exfoliant (nothing too harsh). Our forties are when we'll start to notice some signs of aging, but accepting the changes, wrinkles and all is something we strive for. And when shopping for products, we prefer natural skincare lines like Beautycounter and Tata Harper, free of toxic ingredients. This is the age when it's important to stay on top of everything we learned in our twenties and thirties, plus take extra care to manage our stress levels.

Fabulous Fifties—and Beyond!

We should be total experts on our skin and bodies by now, right? Completely comfortable and at ease? Ha! Thankfully, our good friends, our hormones, are always there to throw us for a loop. Menopause, health, medication and more can impact our skin, and this is the phase of aging when we notice the most changes. Life schedules shift, kids move away and we might even start traveling more. These transitions can all show up in our appearance, and we're certainly more likely to notice them.

Tip: When we're in our fifties, our skin becomes dryer and thin (bye-bye, elasticity!). When washing our faces, use cool water versus warm––hot water strips our skin's natural oils–-and keep it gentle (avoid harsh chemicals and products). Sunscreen is still a must-do, as well as face oils and serums. Continue to use gentle products, but also consider adding toners and other hydrating remedies to our regimen. Moisture is our skin's best friend.

Wherever we are in our lives, taking care of our skin is an act of self-care. Investing in our health is an act in the beauty of change. While aging can be a challenging process for us all, we like to say that it's better than the alternative. We’re here for it, and we’re supportive of our community.

“And the beauty of a woman, with passing years only grows!” ― Audrey Hepburn